False Eyelashes Ignite The Next Growth

In recent years, Pingdu City has regarded the eyelash industry as one of the key industrial chains with distinctive characteristics to enrich the people. It has launched a combination of industrial park support, policy support, equipment research and development support, e-commerce logistics support, etc., with a focus on building, strengthening, supplementing, and extending the chain, and comprehensively promoting the growth, optimization, and strength of the eyelash industry. Pingdu has completed the transformation from industry participants to industry standard setters.

After 40 years of development, the annual output value of the eyelash industry in Pingdu has exceeded top $10 billion, with a market share of 70% of the global scale. It can produce and process more than 3000 different styles and categories of finished products, and has formed a complete eyelash industry chain covering design customization, processing, packaging, sales, logistics, foreign trade, etc. In 2021, the China Light Industry Federation awarded Pingdu the title of “Capital of China’s Cosmetic Products (Eyelash) Industry”.

1.More than 5000 enterprises support the global false eyelash base

According to an article released by Pingdu Government Network in January this year, there are currently over 5000 eyelash enterprises gathered in Pingdu, producing and processing over 3000 different styles and categories of eyelash products, with an annual output value exceeding $10 billion. Among them, there are more than 1260 enterprises engaged in the eyelash industry in Dazeshan Town, Pingdu City alone, with a production value of $5.7 billion, and a complete eyelash industry belt covering design, customization, processing, packaging, sales, logistics, foreign trade, etc. has been formed.

False eyelashes are among the top ten products released on Alibaba International for 2022. Data shows that the compound annual growth rate of the false eyelash industry remains at 7%, and it is expected that the global market share of this field will reach 1.75 billion US dollars this year. Among them, North America, Europe, and the Asia Pacific region are the most important false eyelash consumer markets, with industry buyers mainly concentrated in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada, with the United States accounting for 64%.

2.Unlimited business opportunities in the eyelash industry, opening up new overseas plans

With the large-scale growth of the domestic fake eyelash supply chain, fierce market competition has given rise to price wars, greatly compressing product profit margins. Some ordinary enterprises have begun to seek to sell fake eyelashes in bulk to overseas markets.

The biggest difference between domestic and overseas fake eyelash products is in their style design. Foreign consumers, especially those in Europe, America, and Latin America, particularly prefer thick fake eyelashes, while domestic products are generally relatively lightweight and natural. The export of fake eyelashes is driving the eyelash industry to gradually transition to overseas trial production, and in the process, it is necessary to continuously adjust and develop new products according to the preferences of consumers in overseas markets.

3.The eyelash industry is a new track and blue ocean in the global beauty field. Pingdu City will vigorously build a healthy and orderly beauty eyelash industry ecosystem, and under the guidance of the trend of industrial digitization, build a “beauty eyelash industry brain” to further enhance the intelligence level of the industrial chain. At the same time, through agglomeration, branding, and digital transformation and upgrading, we aim to cultivate well-known Pingdu eyelash brands both domestically and internationally, create a beautiful economy that is moving the world, build a new highland for the development of the northern beauty industry, and continuously consolidate the brand foundation of Pingdu, the capital of eyelashes in China.

High quality eyelashes can help you work better. If you need a professional and excellent eyelash supplier, please feel free to contact me at any timeĀ Whatsapp+86 18254273859

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